Photo: chromafor logo
Name: Skills and competencies for a Circular Human Resources Management in the Foundry sector
Address: Project Is Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Project web page:
Implementation period: 01 Oct 2020 – 31 Mar 2023
Project information: The CHROMAFOR is an European project aims at supporting the transition of European foundries, from a lineal and traditional human resources management model to a Circular Human Resources management model, which will improve the regeneration of skills and competencies in the working place and favours a circular and sustainable economy of both for the company and the workers, and their organizational models.
Professional experience: Project consortium of 7 partner organisations representing 4 different partner countries (Spain, The Netherlands, Italy, and Turkey) with an extensive range of skills, competences and expertise.
Languages: English ★★★★★★★
Spanish ★★★★★★★
Italian ★★★★★★★
Turkish ★★★★★★★