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Welcome to the CHROMAFOR Virtual Learning environment!
Within this section, you can find various materials to support you in your autonomous learning about circular human resources management. There are lessons, exercises, resources, and tutorial videos for you to choose from for each topic. We kindly invite you to browse amongst the topics below.
We wish you a nice CHROMAFOR experience!
The CHROMAFOR project group
Module 1
Managing Basic Technical and Environmental Concepts Towards a Circular HRM Model
Before we get into the circular economy principles and circularity in detail, let’s get to know this new economic model that demands to change our economical behavior completely. What is linear if we are talking about a circularity? How to close linear flows? Is it worth it? -
Module 2
European and national laws, regulations and certifications for the circular economy in the foundry sector
The legislation we should we know to make the foundry as circular as possible. -
Module 3
Environmental management & sustainability in the foundries
How to identify the current situation and relevant requirements needed to address the administrative necessities and environmental issues within the company? -
Module 4
Encouraging a circular economy strategy in the foundry sector
How to promote ecological self-awareness and identify and propose creative ideas to face the circular economy challenges within the company? -
Module 5
Systematizing and quantifying the circular economy in the foundry sector
How to assess and quantify the level of circularity of a foundry and adopt solutions to improve such a level -
Module 6
Sharing and spreading the circular economy and their values in the foundry sector
How to communicate your green values within and outside the company?